Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

206 9,,ezny.rion upon their good defìres and endeavours wh en their hearts are mightily firr'd , and they wonderfully i,nlarged then they mike no queítio; but all is done , and they quiet their., hearts with that , and think there is no fur- ther work to be done ; but it is not fo ; Not of Lin that willeth, nor of him that runncth, but of God that fbew- eth mercy ; though we muff will, and we muff run, yet there may be running and firiving to enter in , andyet not enter ; this is a very great Point, to let us fee all of us what need we have of the free grace of God in pardoning of our fin. Fourthly, Though God does not tie himfelf to core in to pardon upon thefe preparatory work! going before, yet it is .orthy of the utynofi endeavours of any foul in the world, thw there is a poffibility of the obtaining of it ; though God tie not himfelf to give pardon on thofe works , yet there is en Hugh ih it to require the utmoft endeavours of any one to be laid out. Could we do ten thcufand times more than we can , even the very 'poffibility of obtaining par- don , is worth the calling forth of all our firength ; know that the very poffibility of having fin pardoned, is enough to let all your hearts a work to feek after it, though God do not tie himfelf to come in then and par- don ; 'tis not thus, that God would have his creature leek unto him, and then all fhould be left unto that feeking ; no, for if that were granted that God did forefee fomething that his creature would do, and upon that he would give h m pardon, then all the world would be faved ; but all the world do not what they can ; if God had tied him- felf to come in then when men do what they can all the world might be faved ; but it is not fo : God hath left it fo that he will have his creature (do what he can) to relie upon him ; and when he doth come in, then he enters into the grearefl and ftrongeft bonds that can be to do his crea- turegood ; but I come to inforce the Exhortation for to Leek after thepardon fin. You will fay, Hots muff we feel, it ? and what is to be done ? Firff,