Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go el .fm,.(on. 2 07- Firil,In thefetkir; pardon ofyour ns f ayour felz es al in the Anfry, prcfence of God, and put this Capon your fouls, I am now looking after the. pardon of fin, but how do I do it ? does my bean work fo in it as that I can fatisRe my own Confcierice in the work i do ? that it is fuch a work, that may teftifie my high refpec`& to God from whom I feek it ; is it fuch a work as maniiefts that I am fenfible it is .a bufinefs of the molt infinite concernment that I have in all the world ; and am I fenfible of the infinite Power and Majefly of God as one that is infinitely above me ? when you feek after pardon, you muff do it fo, as that you may be able to fatisfie your Confciences that your feeking is fuck a work as does hold forth the glorious greatnefs of that God that you are feek- ing after ; many pray lightly, as God be merciful to me, and mumble over a few words, and have done ; does this hold forth that they have fuch an apprehenfion of the great- nefs, of the power of that God they feek after ? Purely no ; that s the firft. Secondly, If thou wilt feek after pardon offn, it mtift be filch afeeking may teflife that thou doll' prize thy life here in this world above all thing elfe in it ; becaufe God gives thee time in it to feek after him ; Is thy feeking fuch that mani- fefts the time of thy life is given thee for this very end ? if you were fenfible of this, you would feek it in another manner than you do ; you would feek it as a condemn'd man Peeks his pardon ; for certa'nly, every man is a con- demn'd man , and the time of your lift is like a candemn'd mans time , between his condemnation and execution i Now does your feeking teftifie and witnefs that you fpend your time , and that your hearts are fo ftir'd infeeking par- don, as that it holds forth you account your lives precious , a ,d ufe it for the fame end , to get the pardon of your fin ? If a condemn'd man have time to feek a pardon two or three days and he follows drit kng, playing, and the like, cer- tainly none would apprehend this man (pent his time, as if it were given him for to get his pardon; look upon, the courfes and lives of molt men ; and are they fuch that do reftifie they live to that very end, to feek pardon ? if men were