Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

203 Go:1],el Rempion. were fo fenfible of it, as they fhould, they would cry and weep, and lament unto God for the pardon of their fins and fo carry it as would teftifie they prize their lives at a high rate for this end, that they may feek the pardon of their fins. Thirdly, It muff be donefo, as that you may have this tett i- mony in your Confciences, thatyou neverfought after any thing in the worldfo youfought after this ; though it was never to an important occalìon, yet there is nothing after which your endeavours have been fo powerful as after this ; appeal to you in this place ; is the work of your fouls after pardon fo , as that in your own Confciences you can fay, if any bufinefs ever took up my heart, this hath, if ever my fpirit was up in any thing in the world it is in this ; cer- tainly, unlefs it be fo, you have not done that that God requires of you. Fourthly, reu muff fo do it as apprehending God is ready to be gone, and to turn away from you ; you mutt fo feek after him, as apprehending , for ought you know , that God is juft a going away; and if thou haft it not now, 'tis uncer- tain whether thou 'halt ever have it ; the foul muff cry as a poor Malefa&or does when the Judge is on the Bench, he cries all that while; but when he is ready to rife , and is going off, then he cries mercy, mercy ; when he thinks if he let him go, then he (hall never fee his face more ; he cries then to purpofe ; fo fhould it be with every foul that underf}ands the danger of lofing of it ; you fhould fo feek after it, as looking on your felves Banding before God the Judge of all the World, having the fenrence of death out againfl you , yet for theprefent God is .looking on you, and admits of you to look on him ; but fo as apprehending God ready to turn afide , and you know not whether ever he will grant you fuch an opportunity of feeing him any more ; O then ifa man would feek after God as ready to turn afide from him, and for ought he knows, he fhould never fee him more : Certainly, if you know the evil of fin, and the ble(fednefs ofpardon of fn ; What a deep imprefíion would fuch an a prehenfion make upon your hearts? Fifthly,