Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

-G(el ILeini.or. Fifitf"ly,. Sa,fcek, after it of that thou m9j7 tcfife thou would f fantttfie thegreat Name of God to it ; I do not fay thou can'ft do it, °but thou muCt endeavour alter it , and de.r fire that that which thou doft may have fame refemblance to-it; there is no work that ever God did from all eternity that 1 ath fo muchcr more of his Name in ir, than this work of the pardon of. fin bath this is a poficive work of God and is for thisend to declare h is Nam ; the works and Coun- fels of God about this was the greateík . thing that eve*, Gcd .did.; :you heard-much .cone rntng the gory of God in thi- work in the opening of the Doctrine ; Now what I put you upon in the ufe is 14s, That in feeling pardon of fn; know you are fo to endeavour after. :t , ad your endcvours may holdforth the apprchenfons your fouls have of the great Name .:of God ; certainly this fanc`tifles Gods Name when we per- form is fo, when there is a work upon our fouls fuitable io-n fome meafure to the excellent and glorious Name of God .-that appears in fame meafure in the work that we are con- .verfant about : as fuppofe it be the fpeaking "of any attri- bute of God , then I iatiftifie Gods Name, when there is that reverential refpect to God in rtference to fuch an At- tribute ; fowhen 1 give God praife fora mercy , I fanc`tifie Gods Name when,there is a work upon my heart - fuitable to that glorious Name of God that appears in that mercy be- itowed on nie; fo if 'I leek after God for a 'blearing, then reverenceGods Name , when there fuch a difpofition in . myiieart , that is fornewhat fuitable ro the -glorious Name of God that appears on that bleilivg : fo in endeavoúrirtg to fandifie Gods Name in feeking after pardon -of fin, thou .doft it then, when. there is fuch a frame. in thy heart: as may .hold forth to Men and Angels. , that this work 'of thine hatch .fome kind of fuitat lenefs to the .glorious -Name of .God that :app'ears in it ; this i3 to fant -tifie the Name cf -Gad, and this is a great work ; this is the great thing for which tbouwaft made, and this- is the.grcat thing for which-the coutifeis of`God , ytfa the-deep'counfels of God were fet a work from all eternity: Now the dilpofitions of our fpirits muff be fuch, as may'' ia- ..nifeTt. the great eìd,the 'wifdo:n and counfels of -God had in E-e zQy