Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

2.1 e, GoJpel Romp-ion. it, and therefore it muff be a great work that muff mani- feft that ; for certainly thofe whom God pardons he makes them ,underftand what pardon means. Now then, if thy feekiríg be fuch as that thou knoweff what it is thou feekeft after , then it muff hold forth alto that thou doff underfland the Name of God is exceeding glorious in it.; and then as thou doeft apprehend this, fo according- ly thy heart will work after it and therefore when you are alone, and you find you hearts working this way fay, What do I do? Do I fo call upon him, and feek after him, as that this work of mine declares to God and my own Confcience I feek for it fo , as that I may manifeft the glorious Name of thegreat God is in it ? certainly if I do not do it thus, I take Gods name in vain. Sixthly Further,youmufffee/<after it as if you were now to anfiverfor all your fins before the Lord, asyou would waft) you ha l done it then, fo do it now ; I put it to every one of you ; Have you not been on. your hck-beds, and in your apprehenfion near unto death ; haeh not God awaken- ed your Confciences, and you have been afraid upon the account of your fins ; what kind of temper your fouls have been in then, know it concerns you every day in the whole courfe of your lives to have the fame. apprehenfi- ons as you had at that time ; do now as then you would have done : certainly thou doff not underffand:. what pardon of 1in means, if thou doff not feek it thus. Seventhly,Do it as thou tbinij'1 in thy Confcience the Dam- ned.fouls in Hell woulddo ifGodfhould give them a. pofbility What would they do if God Mould proclaim unto them a pofiibility ofpardon ? what would they do ? divers things you may conceive they would do ; and here it comes up fully to my hand to put you upon it, to fay, 0 ! what shall I do ?- Werewe to preach to them in Hell, do you think that there is any one of them but would mightily' cry to the God-of Hea- ven ; 'tis not like that any one of fuch an Auditory but would : rttightily cry to God , if the great counfels of 'God concern- ingpardonof fin were preach'd to them ; and will not every one of you now mightily cry to-God for it ? certainly if they would `