Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

zr1 would do it in Hell, Why fhould not you do it now ? that which you think they would do, not with a few flight vain ex- prefíions, do you do now with all your might. Eightly, Do this :fofeel, after it as to defire if it were pof- fble that you might bring as muchglory unto God, as he would have hadof yo$t if hefhould have damn'dyou for ever ; this is an excellent frame of fpirit though you do not know it , but though youdo not, yet you íhould put your felves upon fuch a-kind of work,and God may come in ; you cry out for par- don , but never cry out for Gods honour, O what (hall be- comeofthe honour of God that he hath loft by me, and the difhonour I have brought to him, fay, OLordI have difho- noured thy Name, O that.I mightfo honour thy Name as I have difhonoured it ; O Lord thou mighteft make tip thy honour in my eternal damnation ; but O Lord, I would if I could do any thing that might make up that difhonour that I have. brought by my fin, if I could do any thing that thou mighteft have any honour in, I would do it : for a clofe, I íhall put this for a confederation to you ; whatfoever you would do upon any ruppofition, fuppofe your danger were as great as ever it was in all your lives whatyou would do thendo it now ; you muff do all that can be done by a creature : Now if you would do more on fuch a fuppofition as this, after all thofe fermons you have heard of the evil of fin,and nowof the great bleffednefs of the pardon offin, ifyou do not do what a creature is able to do,How can you look for pardon of fin in the face of God ? and therefore what youwould do on any fuch fuppofition, do now, though thou fhouldeft not get pardon fuppofe fish a thing as ifthou wert now ready to be damn'd, yet is it not bet- ter to do it, than not to do it ? Having fpoken of thefe gene- ral things, I come now more particularly to the other part of the Queftion, What is tobe done ? Firft, `This is tobe done,befure thou tak,efß off',thy heart from all other imaginary bleffednefs ; certainly there is no man in the world but hath fomewhat elfe his heart was running out af-t. ter ; now thou mutt get off thy heart from that thing what- ever it be; it maybe thy heart was fet upon friends, or upon, pleafures of the fiefh, and thou thoughteft thy felf happy' E e z the