Golpel Reymiston. as if thou wert eternally damned for them it is not Rich a pardon, as that there is nopunifhment tobe fuffered, but who- foevers fins are pardoned, there is this agreement between God the Father and the Son , that his own Son íhall fuffer as much punifhment, as if thou fhouldft fuffer eternally the wrathofGod for thy fin, there is this done for thee ; and furely that man is a bleffed man for whomChrift is content to fuffer fò much as thy fins come to, cr elfe thou muff have been eternally damned, this Religion and the Gofpel teaches us, that we can never come to be pardoned by any other way. Ofthe fourthMyfl1erie,Where Sin is pardoned,ehe Soulfiandd righteous before God. 4. There is this myfterie in it Where ever fin is pardoned, God does not only pats by fin and forgive ir, but he makes the foul ftand righteous before him ; every juftified man ftands righteous before the Lord. A malefa&or may come to a Prince, and be forgivenhis fault,and yet not accounted a righteous man, he may be lookt upon as a wickedwretch ftill, thoughout of free grace the Prince forgive him : But God never forgives the of- fence of any one fin, but that man is fet righteous before the Lord, this is done by an A& of Juftification ; I fpeak not of San&ification : APrince may forgive a Traytor, but the Law is not fatisfied but God when he forgives fin, takes fuch a courfe as that the offence is not only forgiven, but the Law comes to be fatisfied, and the foul ftands before God as a righteous per- fon and furely he that is righteous muff needs be bleared. Of the fifthMyterie, This Righteoufnefs is in another. 5. This Righteoufnefs is inanother, and it is a higher righte- oufnefs than ever that ofAdam's was in Innocency ; this is a great myfterie, that a foul Mould ftand righteous before the Lord, and yet in the righteoufneff of another, not of his own, Phil. 3.8,9, Io. St. Paul counted his own righteoufnefs as dung that hemight be found in him, that is in Chrift, Not havingmy ownRighteoufnefs which isofthe ka ,butt that which is through the