Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

242. Goff el ï77Jion. the more thouhad'fl liberty for thy loft, and the like ; now thou nluft,bz convinc'dthat thou haftfed upon. aflieP,. and haft not been able to fay there is a lie in my right hand ; but God bath now (hewedme there is a lie,and I have look 'd for happinefs elfewhere.; but now I fee it is not there to be found , win thy foul fully,to this ; Omy foul art thou taken off from all other things , bath God. convinc'd thee that thou may'11 have honours, riches, pleafures, and yet be a Reprobate, wo unto me for the time that I have loft, I have laid our my time and moray for another bleffednefs, th .t is no where to be found but in the grace c fGod. Secondly, Let coralience havefree liberty tofirm thee thy fins, andcharge them upon thee, yea to accufe and condemn thee, and do thou help thy Confcience ; when Confcience accules and condemns, then do thou condemn shy felf; if thou would'ft be pardoned,then give Confcience .fcope and liberty ; 'tis ve- ry.dangerous when God begins to air the hearts of men and women , to make any flop or give any check to Confcience there,. the wifcfl courfe is to give Confcience liberty, for it will have liberty one day to accufe and condemn you ; Why will you not now give it liberty ? Confcience will one day bring all thy evil deeds before thee and accule thee ; now let it accule and condemn thee , and certainly if thou doll fo, thou art in a very good way to come to have abfolution of thy fins in thy Confcience now; .for ,at the great day the Books /hall be opened t Now bring_ as it were a day of Judgment t_pan thy felf, contraa..the Throne of God into your own hearts, and call for the Book of Confcience, and fay, Con- fcience, What fay'll thou againft me. that I may get it blot- ted out now, thankmay-not be read .againftntneat the day of Judgment ? . hirdly, Be willing to ownall thy fns, confefs,difcover them with all the heart- breaking circumflances and aggravations thou canfl poflìble, the Lord knows thy fins whether thou eonfeíI 11: them or not; but Godwill have thee to come and lay them open, God will have thee to corne and..charge'thy fell with them ; 'tis a very good thing to open Confcience free- iy,-before tIhe, ford, not in a flieht way, but in a way of an_ guifh