Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

GoIpel Xemíf sson. Zl; guifh and bitternefsof fpirit bewailing them,and crying by way of Prayer andPetition agai nft them. Fourthly, Be willing to accept of the punifhment offin, fay OLord, as thus I do charge and acknowledge , bewail and tryout of my fins ; fo here I am Lord, ready andwilling to accept of the punifhment of trey fin , and the foul that is in this frame is in comfortablewayof pardon of fin. Fifthlv;kefolve to avoid fin whatever come of it, at that very time When thou art feeking pardon of fin be fure to refo ve never to fin again/ for know, that for ought thou knoweft the very next fin thou committeft may make God come upon thee for all thy former fns. And then Sixthly, C4 out whatsoever is gotten by falfeways, make re- fiitution, as Zacheus Seventhly,Befire that thou be put ofwith nothing elfe -but pardon offin ; never reft keeping thy foul ähways in a waiting frame, looking up to God for pardon Tó all thefe things I [hail add, that all thefe mull; have reference to the great work of the Son of God /.when you cry out,What (hall we do ? though Ihave fpoken ofdivers things, yet know all is with reference unto Chrift the Son of God, God-Man ; look upon him as the head of the fecond Covenant offering up himfelf for our fins, let thine eye be upon him , and-as thou giveft thy Con - fcience liberty to charge thy fins upon thy own foul, fo charge them upon Chrift the head of the fecond Covenant ; have an eye to him for the difcharge of them ; Dolt thou vomit up thy fin by confef ion, and cry to God for pardon remember that thou cry to him through the mediation of Jefus Chrift ; look upon him that gift make up the beach, reftore thee tofavotsr,andremove the (Rife : in every work be fure thou eye Chrift, and make ufe of thefe jruies'fbr.as may farther the venturingofthy foul upon Chrift except thy foul rife to this, to work thee to Chrift, all the other is.but a na- turai work, though as I laid, before, that thou íhouldeft let Confcience condemn thee, and that thou have anguifh of f,pirit, know all thefe are but natural works, any further than they f rve in reference unto Chrift : And now .I have fheìved you what you are to do, What is it that You will do ? Ee3 will