Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

will you fet up your refolution , that through the grace of God in Chrift, whatever hath been told you, ; eu will let a- bout the fame, then happy are you ; but if you do it not, it may be youmay with you had done it when fin lies heavy on you ; then you will cry that God would be merciful to you, but then God and Confcience will fay, I warned you at fuch a time , in fuck a place, and were not you there put in a way to feek after pardon ? What did you do after you went away ? the next day you went among your Companions, and were as drunk and as wicked as ever before ; if it be fo, then trouble will be upon you ; it may be forne poor creature that fat in the fame pew with thee, had a heart to feek pardon , and is abfolved before men and Angels, and at the day of Judgment thall fit at Chrifts right hand, and thou that heardelt the fame Word, and haft neglected ir, now comet} to have thy foul for ever lie under the weight and burden of thy fins : God forbid that there fhould be fuch a difference made ; thou haft heard the way, feek after the pardon of thy fin ; let it not be in vain that all there Sermons have been preach'd unto you, Aft, 10. 43. when they preach'd about pardon offin, it Pays to himgive all the Prophets tvitnef ; O that you might come in and give witnefs that this day remit fion of fin was preach'd unto you ; O that while you hear this Word, the Holy Ghoft might fall upon you, that you might have your hearts fired with ftrong refolutions, to fet about this work in the power of the Holy Ghoft, and reft not in any thing on this fide of a pardon : Now I come tar give you tome incouragements, and they will work two ways, either drawyou to Chrift, or for ever flop your mouths, that you thall have nothing to fay againft him. I (hall name fifteen incouragements unto you. CHAP;