Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gojpel Xeaniß`on. 215 CHAP. XX. Of Encouragements to feek,afterPardon ofSin. }Irff,?he timeof your life isgivenfor this very end, to feek, the pardon of yogr fins ; if a man have any great bufinefs to do that concerns his life , and another comes to him, and fays, Sir, this is the very nick of time that you have taken, or elfe you had been loft for ever , fo this is the very nick of time given you to get pardon of your fins and intereft in the blood of Chr-ift. Secondly ,This time is not only affordedfor this end, but the means the Lord bath brought yóu under is a great argu- ment that he intends mercyforyou, and you may conclude there are more of Gods Eleei may have pardoning mercy than in former times ; the light of the Gofpel breaks forth, and certainly there is more tobe brought in, the Gofpel is the fruit of Chrift's death, and given for the Elec`.ts fake, Ac/. i 8. 9, ro. he bids him go andpreach,for be had much people ; he should have oppofiuon, but go, be not afraid , fór I have much people in that place ; 'tis true, the rain will fall upon the tiles as well as on the tender herbs and grafs ; but certainly where God fends his Word he bath people to be gathered in ; and if you take notice of Gods Providence in this point, it may much incourage you to come in , certain- ly there be many in this Congregation, and in others, where the Word- is preached, that he will pardon, Mar. i o. 46. The blindman hearing it was Chrifi that pall by,he cryedfor mercy, andmany chargedhim to hold his peace, but he cryed the, more, andChrifl flood jtlill and called him unto him : now if thou feeft thy fin, and cryeft for pardon, Chrift will call thee to give pardoning mercy to thee as he did to Bartimeus. Thirdly,It may be thou art not onlyunder the means ofgrace and the outward call,but thou begin/fl to feel an inward call , there are fome ftirrings of Gods Spirit within thee ; thou could'ft fay before, thou wopderedfr what the matter was with.