Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

216 Go el kemi 1on. with people to run after Sermons, but now thou begin'!} to feel the died of it, And the glory of God appears to thee in this place, when thou art hearing of his Word ; thou may'ír hence.reafon, as 21?anoa's wife, Judg. 13. 23. That certainly ifGod had intended to have-.fulled N4,he would not have received a burnt O. f Bring and a meat Offering at our hands; neither would he havefi,e teed ru all theft. things ; to fay to thy foul if God had intended to kill me, he would not have been fo willing to have drawn me after him, neither would he have Mewed me all there things, and let that be an incouragement unto thee. Fourthly,The end why God continues this world in being, ís that he might give pardon to his Eled ; certainly this world had been ciifloived long ago, if it were not that he might bring pardon to his Elect, and to th';fe that fee their fins ; this muff needs be a great incouragement to a foul, viz, to thole that fee their fins, to come in ; when this pardoning work is done, Jhrifi. gill deliver up his Kingdom to his Father if a Malefa or .íhould come to fue out his :pardon, and one íhould fay unto him,. 'tis well Sir you are come, for the King would not have kept his Court fo long there, but that you íhould come in ; were not this a great incouragement ? fo fay I, tztere it not that men íhould come to get the pardon of their fin, the Court ofthe world would have been broken up long before this time. Fi£hly,The principal fcope of the Scriptures is for this very end,to reveal the pardoning grace of God ; you llave here the heart of God laid open ; Chrifr wept and mourned that (in- ners .would not come in, that they might be pardoned and .laved. I have read a ftoxy,rhat in Athens there uw a Temple, and in that there was a woman weepin(,and in one handfhe had a bleeding F1cart,amd, with the other fhe was writing Pardons; fo Chrift he funds weeping over you, that you witl `not come in, and he bath a bleeding heart, bleeding for you in the one hand; 'and with the other hand he is ready to write you a pardon,-Eui . 19. 41,42. nay, he 46es not only weep: But the Sixth incouragement may be, He fends his )imb,,radors to woos'