Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gofiel Pemt on. Zi7 n,00eyou to come in, and tells them they flrall not take a denyal at your hands, 2 Cor. 5. zo. They intreat and beg as in his Name , nay it is the befeechings and intreatings of God him- felf ; as ifa King fhould fend one of the Attendants on him to a poor condemned Prifoner, and fay, Go tell fuch a one that hemuff come for his pardon , and tell him , I befeech him, and take no denyal of him , I befeech him to come in ; would not this manifeft the great willingnefs ofthe King to pardon ; God does fo, he fends his Minifters and befeeches you to come in and take a pardon ; 'tis as certain God fpeaks thus by his Miniffers, as it you heard God fpeaking by hint- felf, this Mould move you to come in, Cirrift begs and in- treatsyou to be reconciled, that his blood might not be filed in vain : feeing it is fo, that God begs of thee to come in, why fhuuldeft not thou come in, and take pardon of thy fin, Why can'tf not thou come in and give up thy felt and all thou haft and art to him ? Seventhly, Kyeow it is the great office and trork, ofChrifis me - diatorfhip to bind up the broken hearts of woundedinners, Ifa. 61 i.The Spirit ofthe Lord is upon me,and he bath anointed me, he bathPent me to preachgood tidings to the meek: he bath fait me to bind up the broken hearted,to proclaim liberty to the Cap- tives,and the opening ofthe Prifon to them that are bound ; this in the New Teftament is applyed to Chrift. Now this being the great work for which Chrift came into the world, to bind up the broken-hearted,fee whether thoucanft not relyon Chrift by an a& offaith, this fhould be a great incouragement. Eighthly, Confider that, that God thou haft to dial withal, his nature is mercy in the abftralt ; and if fo, he isfree in his mercy ; as the Sun fhines, becaufe it's the nature of it to Thine ; to the mercy ofGod muff needs work freely, becaufe it is his nature ; as the fire burns naturally, Exod. 34. and Mic. 7. iß. God pardons becaufe he delights inmercy ; thou fay thou art a poor fanner ; well, though it be fo, yet thou may'ft fay, though God can fee nothing in me, yet feeing that he is a God that delights inmercy,this maymove me to come in : or T. He bath mere delight in pardoning anyfinner than in a. the creatures ofheaven and Earth ; God delights in all the P f works