Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

2 1.8 Gofpel Ikemilsion. works of his hands.; but in this he delights. in more than. in all ; he delights in them all, but not fo,much as,in magnif, ingr his grace in Jefus Chrift ; for in this he magnifies his Son, and therefore he bath more pleafure, and takes more delight in pardoning a poor humbled finer, than in all-the works of his hands befides. 2. No one can tamefo muchpleafure in the' falvation of his ownfoul,as God doth in pardoningof thyfin ; and the reafon is, becaufe this is the greateft defign that God bath, which is the facing out of his glory in his pardoning mercy in Chrift , and therefore this may be a great incouragemenr, 3. God is more delighted in the wor ,ofthyheartcl(téng with freegrace, than in all the legal work of humiliation ; what Pays Chri ft ? doh- is thegoodwill andploafxre of God ; and Da, <7.;id was called a man after Gods own heart ; Why ? b:caufe he was a man that would do his will; fo that this is a great in- couragement, though many abufe this and pervert it r their own deftrudion, ynt God will have it taught, that thou might- efthave the comfort of it , and therefore thou .fhouldcft dole with God ancl come in and take.tiòld of his ,pardoning smlercy, Ninthly, Thoug-h Godbath finch a way in mercy to par- donfin, yet he lofth nothing inhis jugice ; Chrift bath taken Inch order that his glory (hall no way be dimini!hed, his ju- fice (hall be f tisfied ; and therefore thou need'ft not fay thus, I have fo finned againft God that I knownot, that I can- riot tell how to make up bis glory;; for there is care taken for tl:a.:. already , and therefore- that need not difcourage. tiee. Tenthly, Teee are as 't ileinners now Yriu i.phing in Uca ven as any ofyoia that are here,, beyou never fr, blacland vile and therefore be not difcouraged at the greatnefs of thy fins for though. they be very great, yet that may not keep thee out, others as vile as thou art, are now in Heaven.. Eleventhly,Ma1¿e the utmoft of thyfin thoucan'ft,yet this need not hinder thee to come to Godfor it :for ought that either men or. Angels know thou haft as much intereft in Chrift as any Saint - in.Heavenever had, and if thou:comeft in and layeft hold on- ,Chrift,,