Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gofpel TV)rl0o11. 219 Chrifi, thy very layipg hold on Chrift will plainly phew thou `h aft a right unto him, and therefore be not difcouraged lut come in. Twelfth' y;'Upon thy clofing withChrit;thou wiltfind firth change as was never wrought in any creaturebcfrdes ; for though thou wert vile and filthy , more vile and filthy than a child new born by original and ac4ual fins ingendred in thee, et thou 'halt be made cleaner than a child, and more purFin theeyes of God than any child cleanfed from his filrhinefs ; would not you do any thing to be pure in the eyes of God , make ufe of what I fay, and you 'hall be clean ; when you hear the Minifters utter the threatnings of God you fall out with the man, and fay, he preaches nothing but terror ; alas 'tis our delight to preach the pardoning grace of God ; but we mull: Thew the evil of fin, and it is that you might come in and imbrace mercy ; for know, we delight to preach mercy more than any thing elfe ; and know, that if thou defireft that all thy thoughts, ways and a&ions may be for Gods glory, he will not upbraid thee for coming in unto him, Joh:6. 37. He that cometh to Chrift, he will in no wife .caft out ; though thou haft been never fo great a fanner, yet thou may'ft come in and clope with Chrift ; for he that conies to him, be he what he will he will in no wifecaft out. Thirteenth)y, Thou wiltfill Heaven withjoy, and there 1 °l be more melody in Heaven than at the coming in of anyïFrincc to his Kingdom ; and I may fay unto you, even in this place, if you come in, the Angels will rejoyce at it.; for there are ma- ny Angels Rand about you ; therefore take heed ofyour car- riage, for they come to fee, your behaviour ; have a fpecial care your hearts be pet upon the work you come about, for they are here to feehow you carry your felves. Fourteenthly, In obtaining 'pardon of fin and clofing with Chrift byfaith, thou art made heir of the whole world Rom. 4.. 13. How does many of you Marriners, and others venture upon dangerous Voyages to get great Eftates in this world , and you count them happy that areborn to great Eftates ; Why, by clofing with Jefus Chrift by faith for remiffion of fins, you are made heirsof the whole world, I mean not of F f z thy:t