Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

220 Gofpel Xemsion, that to come, but of this prefent world3 though none of you certainly &fire more than may carry you to Heaven yet you are true and proper heirs of the whole world : A/i is yours, the Scripture is very clear in it; but I cannot now Band to inlarge upon it, Cor. 3. latter end. Fifceenthly, For any thing thou knowefl,thou art one of Gods Ele ,andthere is nothing thou art to do, but Goabath promifed to'jnable thce to do it ; for there is fuch a tranfacion between G od and Chrift, that he that (hall be faved fhall not have only favour vouchfafd unto him, but (hall be inabled to dq whatfoever God requires of him, there fhall be grace giver to every one of the Eled of God. And now if thou comet?f in and giveft up thy felf, and all that thou art, haft or can'tfr do to Chrift : How knoweft thou but thou art one of thof, that are Elea, and fo (hall be made for ever happy ? But it after all that has been Paid thou goeft away with flight thoughts of this rich and tranfcendent grace of pardoning mercy, a;,d doft not fet prefently upon the work to obtain% ir, Be thoufor cvcr *axedand confounded, but lct the pardo- ringmercy ofGod befor ever magnified. FINI S,