A TA B LE of thç Principal Thingsç,antain'd in this TreatiTe: CH A, Y. .I THe Text opened, and be win. DoErine pfo pounded, viz. pag. I Doc. That the blefedneft of aman, or ofany foul, confifls iii thefreegrace ofGodforgiving of his fin.. 4 CHAP. IL Of the bleffednefs of tbe. pardon . o f fin) srrhiclzw. pears i. Negatively in theevil it frees affront. . ibid. 2,. Pofitively in the good bellowedupon us : therein confuder) . 8 E r The Efficient caufe ofmercy infor.g¢r,ette fs ib,d._ . 2 The,lFinal.caaifeofmercy : offn , , ."9 , If CHAP,.