Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

GoJel eni áo;t. the faith of Chrift the righteoufnefs ofGod that comes in by faith ; and fo Rom.5. latter end, Chrift is Paid to he our riihte- oufnefs,v. 19. As by the difbedienceofone many were macle fîn ners, fo by the obedience ofone many fluid be made righteotas;'Lis a rigteoufnefs transferr'd upon us beyond our own: Mark,in for- givenefs, as our fins come to be transferr'd and put upon Chrift, to the righteoufnefs of Chriff is transferr'd upon a ju[tífied foul, and that foul comes to be righteous before God : furely then, bleffed is that man that comes to have the fhining garments of Chrifts righteoufnefs upon him : Ahafuerus could not think of a better way than this to honour Mordecai more,than to clothe him. with the Kings Royal Rayment, and proclaim before him, This (hallbe done to the man whom the Dingdelights to honour; furely that man or woman is honour'd indeed, that God would clothe with the ruiningRobes of the righteoufnefs of his own Son;thou that waft clothed with the filthy rags of thy own fin and wick- ednefs, andhadft no other garments to Rand in,in theprefence of God ; now he puts on thee the Righteoufnefs of his own Son, and fo thy iniquitycomes to be covered : Oh that is a glorious Garment ! all the Garments in the world bedec4 with Diamonds are but filthy Garments in comparifonof theGarments of Chrifts Righteoufnefs, that is put upon a man when his fins are for- given. Of thefixthMyfterie, A near 'Union is made betweenChrift and the Soul. 6. When God tames toforgive fin,the way God takes is this, he brings a man intofilch a near Vnionwith his ownSon as makes thee to beone with him ; yea, fo to be one with Chrift as no two things in the world are joyn'd fo together,as thou and Chrift art; the foul God pardons,he does it thisway, 'Lis not thouhaft finn'd and I will pardon thee, 'tis no loch flight bufinefs, as I may fay, in a (inners pardon : No, for whenGod forgives thee, he makes thee one with his own Son, fo as no two things in the world are fo near together as thou and Chrift ; therefore the Scripture expreffes it by the Union of Branch and Root, Body and Members that is anear Union of bones and flefh in one body