Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

The Table. CHAP. III. Of t t-worrtlellul Ñlyfferies G f Godlinefs included iv. thegreat mercy o ffor,aivencfs of Sin. i o I It tS bymeans ofa e.../7tediator. II 3 It is through Cbrifls undertaking the debt upon himfelf. 12 3 It is by Chrifls fufferings. 13 4 Sin pardonedmales thefoul fland righteous before 'God. I4. 5 Thisrighteoufnefs is in another.. ibid. 6 Anear union is made between Chrifl and the Soul. 15 7 It is by faith,yet boafting is excluded. 16 $ God is infinitely juft, andyet infinitely merciful. 18 9 When Godforgivesfinatprefent, heforgives all to come. 19 ao God pardons a finner not becaufe he is, but that he might be changed.', 25 ii Godhimfelfpurchafes the Pardon. 27 CHAP. ,IV. Of Pardon of Sin , not only being a mercy in it felf, but the Foundation of many other Mer ties. 2$ I withGod. I Peace 2 wit4I Confcience. 2. Creatures. 30 32 33 2 TheRevelation ofGods fecrets to themhepardons. ibid. 3 It make,; all other injoyments to be mercies which otherwife are not. 3 8 z By reafon ofguilt offn. 39 3 Not known whether they be given in love or hatred. ibid. 4 It makesall affliáions eafie to be born. 40 I The