Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

The Table. CHAP. VII. OfPardoning Mercy .beinga work that all the three P ons in the 1 rinity eire ingaged in. 54 Go e Father's heart was in it. ibid. z Chrift the Son's heart was in it; 55 3 The Holy Ghofiz was much in it, 56 CHAP. VIII. Of Pardoning Mercy beinga perfeE mercy. ó0 Hence $ Flows out abundanceofcomfort. 6i z Great ingagement untoduty. ibid. CHAP. IX. Of Pardoning Mercy being an Irrevocable Mer- cy' 6i This appears In Gods blotting out offin. 64 Calling it behindhis back. 3 Removing it asfar as the Eat isfrom the Well, ibid. 4 Calls them in the bottomofthe Sea. ibid, 5 He will remember them no more. ibid. 6 They (hall never bementioned, ibid. 7 They fhalt never befound. 67 C HAP.