The Table. 2 Leave them : Anfw. 151 1 eAril .Reformationfat not forfin. 15'3 God accepts of duties not for themfclves, but becaufe of the perfon that performs them. 154 3`thersfay, we truf in the mercyof God, and they are i.Such as aremoftgrofly ignorant : Anfw. 155 2 Others more knowing : AnJw. 157 4 Othersfay, We rely upon Chriß : Anfw. 161 C HAP. XVII. Of tl. e. true Evidences ofForgivenefs ofSin. 16t i They are are fuch as are calledOnes. 163 2 Theyarc received into the Covenant with God. 169 3 They are tranflated into the Kingdom ofhis Son. 171 4They have muchgiven unto them. 173 i The,Spirit to inlighten them. 174 2.Cod will write this law in their hearts. ibid. 3 God will give them: cleaning mercies. ibid. 5 Theyhave a glory put upon them. 175 6 They are made to knowwhat pardon means. 177 7,They have melting heartsfor fin: . ibid S They have agrowth ingrace according to the degrees of par- don._ 179' 9,Th9, have an anfwtrable work, in their fouls to the worksof Gods grace in pardoning them. 181' it ..They have a.mercifulframe of heart toforgive others. 122 C AP. XVIII. Of tbe kules bow to apply ti: e-Eviderices of the Par- don of Sin. I Ify6sa cannot find all, yet i yon find anyone of them-, you G g 3 may