The Table. may take comfort betasfe all are there. 185 2 brave rccourfe to Godsformer workings. 187 3 Try not yourfelvcs in times of temptation. 4. What of the Word you find on your fde,keep clofe to that, 199 5 Renew your Evidences ifyou cannot findyour old ones. 193 6 Remember you are to deal with God in a Covenant of grace. 7Whenyou want thefaith ofAf%ysrance put forth the work, of faith ofAdherence. S Ref/. rot much upon Evidences. 199 9 Whenyou have loft the ufe offignsat prefent,do not determine all is gone. .10 Keep upgood thoughts ofGod when you are at the lovefi Z b C H A P. XIX. OfExhortation to leek' after Pardon of Sir, tait/, Cautions and ules how tofiek, and what we are to do. Caution, Know, nothing in a natural-man canbe acceptable to God. 2-What is done before Vnion withChrifl,is not to be reckonedon as -the conditionof the Covenant ofgrace. 205 Reft not on any Preparatoryworks. .bid. 4. Yet fuck works are worthy ofour utmoft endeavours. 206 Rules haw to leek. 1 Setyour fèlves as in thepretence of God. 20 2 See it be fuch a.eking that may tefifie thou prifefi thy life bere in this world for this end. 3 it muß bedone f, as thatyou never fought any thing in ibid. worldfo ,tryoufeekthis. 4 Do it as apprehending that Cod is agoing. 208 5 Sofcek,after it, as that thou ma y to ' f fare thou nt7ifiefl tjhe Name of Godin It. 209 6 So