Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

The Table. 2 He takes more pleafiire inlaving thee than :hell deft- thy,fe f 218 z God more delights in the n'orkof thy heart ..cloffng with free grace than in all Legal H,.miliations. ibid. 9 Chrift?.hath fatisfieei Gods Mice. ibid. 1 As vile 'inners as. thru art, are row in Heaven. ibid. z i Make the utnteeji thoucanfl of thy fin,yet this need not hinder tlx.e to come to God, ibid. 7 z On c/ofing with Chrift thou wilt find Etch a change as was never in any creature befi'es. 119 13 Thy coming in, will fill Heaven andEarth with j oy.ibid. i.}. thou art hereby made heir of the whole world, ibid 1 5' For any thin thou knotrefi thou art one ofGods Elecf,and fo there is nothing that thou art to do, but he path promifed to enable thee to do it.. 220- FINI.S.