Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

GofPeÉ erriißiofa. 21 by the renewal of a prefent act offaith, to tue out pardon anew unto our felves. Nay, the truth is, if this were not fo, there could be no inftant of time, wherein a believer was not in the Rate of condemnation ; for there is no inftant of time wherein a believer doth not forne way or o:her fin againft God : Fur- ther it is apparent and undenyable, that there is not a necefïty of renewing an ad of faith upon every fin committed for the pardon of it , this Argument cannot be denyed, becaufe other- wife, there mutt be a neceflity of renewing an ad of faith after the laft at a b iiever do:h ; for in the Taft action a believer Both in this world, there is Tome fin in it : Now ifthere be force fin in the laft ad of all, then there cannot be of necefìity re- quired another act, for the applying of the pardon of that fin a believer did do in the very laft ad he did in this world : thofe that hold a believer cannot finally fall away, yet fay, he may to- tally ; many hold that if once a man be juftifìed,he can never go to Hell ; but yet this they hold, that he may fo fin that he may be brought into a Rate of condemnation ; he may be brought into fuch a Rate , that ifheshould dye at that prefent he should perifh ; buc fay they, God doth take care that he ¡hall not dye, till there be a renewing of an at of faith for pardon : I an- fwer, there is nothing in Scripture to prove, there is not any inftant of time wherein a believer may not dye ; and yet if he do dye, he muff then perifh, becaufe an act or faithwas not re- newed ; true fay they further, that all fins bring not into the frate ofcondemnation ; there may be pardon ofcourte for fins of infirmity, but other fins that wafte a mans Confcience ; there a believer is brought into the frate of condemnation, till there be a new ad of faith renewed. for pardon. I anfwer, Ifany one fin bring a believer into the fate of condemnation after Con- verfion,where ¡hall we put the limits; as to fay,ifyou go but thus far, you are not in a {late of condemnation, but if you go a lit- tle further, you are ; God puts no fuch limits in Scripture,. but all fin in its own nature brings into a ftate of condemnation,and yet no fn brings a believer into the Rate of condemnation; there- fore this is a great myfterie of God in the pardoning of fin ; when God pardons the finof a believer , he does not only par- don what he hash doneat prefent , but forwhat"he ¡hall do, he D 3 layer