Go f iel (emßion. 2 There follows this alto, Peace with the Creatures ; If i fhould meet with thefe in a full Text, each or them might re- qu:re a Sermon themfelves, to Chew the excellency of a quiet Confcience and peace with the Creatures. But I muff but touch it here : God is Lord or Holes, and all the creatures ftand armed ready to avenge Gods quarrel,andnot only do they ftand in rea- dinefs,but ihtre is a kind ofcry in the creatures to God to make theme the Executioners of his wrath ; Shall I go and ftrike this Drunkard fay.s one? and (hall I ftrike this Blafph :mer (ayes anoth.r ? All thecreaturesin Heaven and earth cry againft thee every day : But when G, ,d pardons thy fin, all the creatures pre - fently become thy friends ; when the Judge hach quitted a Male- faa-or,theunder-Officers have nothing to do withh m ; Conici- ence and the Creatures they areunder-Officers, and when mod is at peace they are at peace tco ; When Joab care andftab'd Abfalom, the ten young men that were his Armour-bearers did fo too fo ifGod come to a fanner unpardoned, and give him a flab, ail the Creatures will be ready to flab him too ; but when God comesand pardons thy fin, Hemakes a league with thee and the frones of thefield, as the Scripture fpeaks ., that is the firft great mercy that flows into the foul upon pardon of fin, and peace with God. OfGods Revealinghis Secrets to thofe whom he Pardons. 2. This follows upon pardon of fin, Godcomes ina wonderful gracious way to reveal himfelf to thatfoul ; he comes to reveal his fecrets to that foul he pardons ; and pardonoffin is the very ground oftheRevelationof the Secrets and Myfteries of God by the Spirit tothat Soul , jer.3' . 3 3. among otherparticulars in the NewCovenant God promifeth theyPallbe all taught of God, in Heb.8.that Text is quoted fomething more fully than in the Pro- phet, yen' o,t'. Theyjhall not.teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, Paying, know the Lord .; fi.r they Iháll all know mefrom the leaft to the greatef : Mark , For I will be merciful to their unrighteoufnefs, and their fins and iniquities will I remember no more : Pardon of fin is made the ground of Gods teaching themhis Covenant, They Pali know p nse 33 ,otis.z3,