41.114141M1111W To the R EAD E R. .Cliri+.1ian Reader, e provident care of God is man i fefed to.- ward his p1 e th i e Peo l re ent Pryyervation uf, and provi f "m for them. -To have the mouths of Lions flopped when ive are cati into the nmid'f% of their Den ; the Waters to be a wall about us on the right hand and on the left, which in their own ira: turc and tendency would overwhelm :gis, to have t&e 13q72 burning, and not -cors fiwzed, are as evident toz .kens of thegood wa of bain -that dwelt:in the bulb , of Gods prefeuce -with and owning, of his afflicted (People now, as in the days of old ; yea to have Irony out ofthe flinty 1<ock, Manisa in the Wildernefs, a voice behind us, Sayin,Tbi is the way, walk an ït enforceth as great an obligation to admiration and thankfulneJs upon as, as upon tha ifraelites of old. 4nnong7l the many Pngli fly Prophets who are dead, andyet Beak,, the pVerend Author of the era Juin Treade m y chalienne a place with thefill Worms 4; thies