46 Goffel RemifSion. the fear of death but forgivenefs of fin, and then this makes a man look, on the dayofjudgement with comfort.; for one (pedal end of that day is, that there may be a Declarationof the Infi- pite Mercy of God inforgiving of fin, As 3. i 9. Repent andbe converted, thatyour fins may be blotted out when the times of re- frefhing fhall come from the pretence of the Lord; when he (hall fend Jefus again, whichbefore was preached to you : Certainly affoon as ever a man comes to believe, his fins are blotted out : I but when the times of refrefhing (hall come, they (hall ap- pear to your own (elves, and to all the World, Men and An- gels more fully than ever before ; Some Interpreters think, and I dare not deny ir, but that there will be a time of refrefhing in t is world, before the great and terrible day, that Chrift will male it appear that the fins of the Elea Believers are blotted .out F ,., er manner than now it doth ; but however it will full r at that day, and then that day that will be fo terrible to ' ti ._,.godly, will be refrefhing to the Saints ; WhyI be- ethey (hall find their fins blotted out then, and that will make that day arefrefhing day unto them ; Although the Hea- vensbe all onfire, andfhrivelled up like a Scrowl, and therebe dreadful fhriekings ofungodly men ; yet it (hall be a day of re- frefhing to the Saints, becaufe their fins are blottedout: Oh blef- fed is the man that hath his fins pardonednow 1 for he (hall have that day to be a day of refrefhing to him ; but wo be to thee O foul, who ever thou arr, that haft not thy finpardoned ; if but one fin Rand upon the fcore not blotted our, wo, wo will betide thee for ever more : but they that find their fin pardoned, fhall find that day to be a day of fuch refrefhing as ever they beheld ; and therefore bleffed is the man that bath his iniqui- ties forgiven. OfSecurity againfi the worlds Reproaches, the fruit ofPar- doning Mercy. 7.Wh ,,e Godbathforgiven fin,fuch a one neednot carefor the cenfures ofall the world, and the reproaches they ca#upon him ; the menofthe worldcart many reproaches on the Saints,and will, fay?. they are hypocrites, that though they will not fwear, yet they