Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Gofpel Remfsion. 47 will lye ; that they are falfe, proud, and the like ; Why ? now the foul that finds it sfealf acquitted emnations that canbe cart up- on for all the cenfure hinvfrom the men of the world, Rom. 8. 3 3. Having fpoken before of the great graceof God in Juftification, inverf. 3 3. he fpeaks as if he had made a challenge to all the world, let them all come in, let me fee Who can lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elegy ? Why ? becaufe it is God that fuflifies : many wtll charge them of grievous things : I but it is God that juftifies : What will a man care if the Prince have given him a pardon, though forcekitchin boy, forne fhakeril about the Court íhould rail againft him, fo long as the King had pardoned him ; Ber- nardhath a notable fpeech concerningDavid when Shimei rail- ed,David wasnot troubled fags he,he didnotfeel the injuryheapt upon him, becaufe he had felt before the grace ofGodtowards him ; the feeling of Godsgrace towards him in pardoning, made him riot feel the railings ot'Shimei ; fo Chrift himfelf, Ifa. 5 o.7. . he faid before, Igavemy backjo the fmiters,andhid not my face frommame andfpitting ; they fpit upon him : this is apparently fpoken of Chrift ; but what upheld him ? ver. 7. For the Lord Godwill help me ; therefore jhall I not be confounded for all this ; therefore have I fit my face like aflint againft all fcorns, rail- ings, and accufations in the world ; but what was the bottomof all this ? mark, ver.8. He is near that juftifies me, whowill con- tend with me ? let its flan together : Who is my Adverfary ? let him come near to me ; let my Adverfary come anddo his worlt, he is near that juftifies me : true, Chrift had no fin perfonally to be pardoned : but he had the fins of all the Elec`l: charged upon him, and upon that he fuffered death. Now we are to know , Chrift is juftified as well as a Believer ; and the very ground why a Believer is juftified, it is becaufe Chrift is juftifi- ed himfelf : Chrift being juftified, a Believer comes to be jufti- fied ; this might havi been opened in the myfteries of Pardonof Sin : There is a juflifyingfaro in Chrift as in a common publick, perfon, and then byfaith in our own perfons. Now though in the Fathers Justificationof Chrift he juftifies us , yet not as parti- cular perfons , but in him as a common perron in the Name of all the Elea , and faith, that comes in that we might be juftified in. r