Gojpel eint ton. 2. There's this difficulty frands in the way, That beforefin can be pardoned,the blind,dead,wicked,carnal, fottifh heart of Man, mrefl be railed up to perform the moflglorious 461 that éver any creature did ; which is an A& of believing : yet fayes God,that thy fin may be pardoned , I will put forth my infinite power to effe& it, to raife that blind, dead, fottifh, carnal, wicked heart of man fo full of all wickednefs, to perform the greatefk work that ever any creature did, for fo is believing ; Gods mighty power is put forth to effe& this : Now there is all thefe difficulties lying in the way, and yet mercypaffes through them all to pardon fin ; Purely then, that foul muff needs be blefled that bath his fin pardoned ., that God Pets his heart upon him fo much, that rather than he will not Chewmercy unto him; he will paps through all thefe great difficulties that lye in the way ; and truly on confiderationofthis, before I pafs any further, there are three Meditations that may be colleted hence, and may come with a great deal of power upon all our fouls. Firft,Then it muff needs be agreat taking the Nameof God in .vain,for any manor woman to hazeflight thoughts offuch a mer- cy, as pardon offin is, that comes through fo many difficulties. Secondly, This may come with power upon our hearts,ifGods mercy pats through fo many difficultiesfor the pardon of thy fin thou maifl be content to indure much difficulty in feeking for the pardonofthy fin ; thou feeft what an evil fin is,andart more fen- fible of it than ever thou wert before . well, thou art feeking for pardon,and thou complaineft,thou haft waited long for pardon,it may be a quarter or half a year,or it may be twelve months, and thou haft got little alfurance ofpardon, and thou findeft it much more difficult than thou thoughteft it would be, temptations come ftronger than ever , and the Devil fuggefts more evil thoughts thanever ; thou findeft duties hard to fleth and blood, and thou art wearied and tired with temptation, thefe are force difficul- ties ; but yet art thou about that great work of Peeking pardon of fin, be contented to fuffer force difficulties, yea, ten times more than thou haft ; if God fee good to lay it upon thee,. for Gods mercies pats through difficulties to pardon thy fin, and if thouget'ft through,though thou meeteft withdifficulties., thou haft no caufe to complain at all ; Why fhould not yoube H .z willing