Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go#el Remijsioti. willing to pats through, difficulties in feeking pardon, when as Go.ls mercies pats through many .difficulties to come to thy- foul ; thou art going to God, and feeking to him for mercies, and there lye many difcultiesin the way ;- when Godwas com- ing to thee, there lay many difficulties', in the way, and yet he paff. through themall ; therefore thou maiff be content though thou meeteft with fame dit culties in feeking the pardon of thy íiits. Thirdlv,Tbi.c may make us willing togo throtugbanyfervices; though they.he hard,ifthou'art ing'ttingofpardon;SuppofeGod fet. us about fome hard work that bath many difficulties in it, do not complain as if God.were a hard Mailer, when he Pets you about any hard work ; for be it known unto yon, thou art never fet about any fuch hard work in all thy life for God, that hath fo many difficulties in ir, as the work ofGod in pardoning thy fin bath ; there are more difficulties when God comes to pardon thy foul for fin, .than in any fervice whatever that God requires of thee ; thou lookeft upon the ferviceof God; and there are many difficulties in it ; be contented, do not complain , for God pail through many diffiéulties to pardon thy fin ; and this is another confderation, the difficulties God paffes through to pardon fin, is a great Argument that that foul is bleffed that bath his iniquities forgiven, CHAP. VI. OfPardoning Mercy coming from the Fountain ofGodsEver- laflina Love. 6. rlrgu- Hen Godcomes to pardonfn, it is fuch a mercy as comet ment.. ` `` from thefountainof Gods Everlafing Love; other mer- cies donot;where this is not,you cannot make them Evidences of Gods eternal love ; if God give you health of Body, good voy- ages at Sea,and good comings in in refpec`f ofthe world,you can-, not draw Arguments from hence4that God bears eternal love to your fouls.. But whenhe_comes to pardon your fins; its a cer- tain