Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

68 Gofpel Remfsion. ferve ; and if I pardon them, then they fhall be fodone away, as that they fhall not be found. Yet further, the righteoufnefsBelievers have in Chrift is cal- led an everlafting righteoufzefs, and therefore abides for ever, and cannot be afterwards taken away, Dan.9.24. Seventyweek!, are determined to make reconciliationfor iniquity, and ro bring in everlafting righteoufnefs ; the righteoufnefs that is put upon thy Soul by Chrift, in the pardon of thy fin, it is an ever- lafting righteoufnefs, and will abide everlaftingly. Yet further, Heb. 1o. i4 it is Paid, That Chrift by one offering, hath perfel-ted for ever them that are fanEhfied, that is, juftified ; Juftification being called by the name ofSan&ification, or them that are fanctified ; that is, fet apart to be made partakers of the great bie fling of the new Covenant, to have a lhare in the blood of Chrift for Justification ; Chrift by one offeringhas for ever per- feded them that are fanc`tified ; therefore being perfected in Juftification, there is no recalling this mercy back again. Once more this mercy is fet out by the typical fervice of the Scape-Goat, Levit. 16. 20. On whofe head they were to put all the fnsof the People, all their tranfgreflions , and all their iniquities, and fendhim into the Wildernefs, or Land of forgetfulnefs, amongft wild beafts , never to be lookt after again ; fo are the fins ofall Believers laid upon Chrift, and carryed into a Land of forgetfulnefs and fhall never come to be charged anymore : So much for that particular of the Irrevocablenefs of Pardon of Sin, which Thews that bleTfed is .that manor woman that hath their fins pardoned, becaufe they {hall never be recalled again. CHAPa.