The Stationer to the READ ER. Iris now long fince Iundertookthe Printing ofthis Rook,,and 'as my IncoHragements were many, fo I. had obtained of one ofthofe ReverendDivine:that havegiven their afteftatin ta . it, toperufe the Work, and hadhis Tefitmony that he heard thole Sermons preached ; andupon perufal ofthemfoundnot any thing e faterial left out , ofwhat the Author Mr. fer, Burroughs delivered ; and knowing that tïr, , Peter Cole (who fmery Printedmany ofthe !Author'sWorhs) had long laid wait and endeavoured tog-et this Copy out ofthe hands of thofe that pub_ lifhed theAuthor's Rookj,ófering as great Rewardfor the fame, but could not obtain it. Andnow at lafl beingfo much wiflied thereunto by bisfriends ; being affured that aT the whole is abtt;,.. dandy fpiritual and lovely in its e%llatter, and that wherein the .veryJpirit andflyle of Mr.: Burroughs is many e ed o there are many things(as I am informed)were .never,fomuc touch'd eipon, or handled byany other Writer, andyet are of very great Importance to be knownby all Intelligent andSober -mindedmen, d thoughtgood,having this flfsrance from them, to certifie fo much_to file Reader. Dor. Newnitrn, o