Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Golloel Remf sion. hearing of this blefftd Doctrine of the Pardon of Sin ; that there would be better Auditors in Hell than you are, whole hearts are not furred in hearing the glorious mysteries of the Gofpel opened, how a firmer may come to get the párdo of his this ; God forbid it should be fo. 3. Ar- gument. CHAP. XIII. OfPardonofSin, being the fpecial endof all Gods Ordinances. FVrther, Bled is he that path his Iniquities forgiven, be- caufe forgivenefs offin it is thefpecial end of' all the Ordi- nances of God : the Ordinances of God that hehas appointed and fet up in his Church, attain their end in this blehed effecct, in the forgivenefs offin ; and it is an argument there is much blef- fednefs in pardon of fin, becaufe thofe precious Ordinances of Chrift attain their fpecial ends in it ; there are threegreat Ordi- nances Ifhall infiance in,the Word, Sacraments, and Difèipline and the people ofGod íhould count themfelves in a happy con- dition when they fee thofe bleffed ends wrought on them, which God hash appointed thofe Ordinances to effect. T. For hearing, 'tis a great Ordinance that Chrift bath ap- pointed,When he afcendedon high hegave gifts unto men ; upon Chrifts Triumphal Afcenfion to God the Father, he gave this great gift unto his Church, that his Church Mould have Paftors and Teachers ; which by the way, argues the horrible wicked- nefs of thofe that flight Paftors and Teachers of his Church ; becaufe it is part of the glorious gift of Chrift when he afcend- ed on high : Well, did Chrift ordain Paftors and Teachers for the preaching the Word ; furely it is for fome great end an purpofe that he bath in it, there is furely fome great glo- ry he intends to reap by it. What is the end for which Chrift bath fet up this great Ordinance ? 2 Cor. 5. i 8. Andall things are ofGod,who bath reconciled its to himfelf,andbath committed to