Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

GolPel kemt ion. 79 Godsgrace in pardoning myfan; and. this day God calls me to come in, andhave the pardon of myfinfealed with the Broad Seal of Heaven, that my foul may be affured, and I may go away in peace, and be comforted andquieted in tbegreat btifnefs that lyes upon me, tholefns ofmine that have fo grated on myConfci- once, and for which I have had dreadful apprehenfons of the Ofoudsof Gods difpleafare hanging over my head: this day I am togo to have thefealing ofa pardon of them all. Thus íhould men and women come to the Sacrament with fuch thoughts upon their hearts, as an Ordinance appointed and ordained by Chrift for the fealing up the pardon of their fins. 3: The third Ordinance is the Ordinance of Difcipline, whole fns foever you remit they are remitted, Job. 20. 22. and thofe who are caft out of the Church, and then received in again, find it to be an Ordinance of Chrift, to affure them of remifìion of their fins. It cafes out thofe that are fcandalous, andwhen they repent; it receives them in again, and thereby affures themof the pardon of their fins. ATranftion to the application. Having done with the Ex- plication, ifyou would run over and make force recolledìon of what has beendelivered of the glorious ble[fednefs of this mercy of forgivenefs of fins, you might fee the effects following there- upon. I have {hewed you the abundantgrace of God that is de- clared in the fiòrgivet efs of fin ; I have [hewed you the many myfl'eries that there are in it, and that is is an inlet to many other mercies : I have [hewed you the great difficulties it paffes through, and howmuch the heart ofG od the Father, Son and Holy Ghoft, was in this mercy ; I [hewed you,it was a per- fed andan irrevocable nsercy,amercy denyed toAngels,& [hew- ed but to a fewof mankind,compared to thofe that are paft by., I have [hewed, it is a mercy, the very poffibility of it would make the damned to rejoyce, and it is a mercy, that is the end of all Ordinances : Andnow having come to forreperiod of the Ex- plication , methinks that Scripture comes prefently into my mind, that notable place in Rom. 8. 3 i.- If thefe things bey, if God thus glorioufly appear, in the riches of his grace for the pardonof fin ; What hall we thetafay to thefe things? the AI-:title after he had. (pent force time 'in opening the'Dottrin_e of free Juftification.