Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

To the Reader. IÇno' ledge is Pleafant,Prov.z.2o. but none more pkeafant than that is Di- vine. The knowledge of the holy god i ` 2nderflanding,T ro.q.1 o. the know - of (shrill is Excellent, Phil, 3. $ the knowledge of both is Life eternal, john 17.3. And for the Soul, it is that piece of Immortality which is ofgreat- er value than the whole world, eat. 16. 26. It is th At which God challeng- ah to be his, E,.ek, t3.4..and that which the Lord Cbr f accounted not his pre - cious blood too much to give for, t Pet. 1. iS, t9. 1 (hall not hold thee longer from the Wor(it feif: But defire the bleffang of God to go along with it, . and thole that are exercifed init. R. VV. The