Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

t z Á Dejcription of the nature of fait in allufzon to theGoffél, here, it is better for Sou that you go to heavenwith one eye, then to having two eyes to be call into hell fire, where their worm dieth nor, and tha fire is not quenched , the meaning is this, as if he should fay, though your lulls be never fo dear un- to you, as dear as your right eye, or as defas your hand, yet youmuff be willing to mortifie your corruptions and lulls, for faith he, look to your selves, God woùld have every facrifice faked with fait ; if you would be a facrifice unto .jod , unto his grace and mercy, you muff offer a facrifice faked wi:h lalr, or elfe you will offer a facrice to his Juftice, you muff be fal- ted with fire, with that fire that is unquenchable, thus you fee fomewhat is the meaning of that which Chrift faith -, Ye are the fait of the earth , -the preaching of the Gofpel, when it come firfl to còrrupt hearts, it puts to a great deal of pain, till their corruptions be fubdued by it, till the Gofpe( bath over- come your corruptions ; read that Scripture in y. of Mark, the latter end, compare thofe few verles with any place of all the Old Teffament, and in the time of the Law you never find fuch a terrible expreffion of Gods wrath againft finners, that will not mortifie their corruptions as there is in that ch. of Mark,, that place of the Old Teffament, Curfed is every one Ey which that abideth not in every thing, bath not fuch a terror in it as words Meta. this, That the worm that never dyeth, nor the fire that never go ,phoricafty eth out; and othet texts, for this caufe comes the wrath of haybe noted t God on you, and you are the children of wrath , the wrath, of thwofol s God is again( all unrighteoufiiefs; if a man would preach in hei,the one but one Sermon in all his life time to make fin odious ro men, of the foul tie he fhould rather chufe it out of the Gofpel them our of the the other of Law the Gofpel it is that will difcover what men are in thebody,faith themfelves out of Jefus Chriff , what a price is paid for their Polycarpus.Ly fetus, but ra-fouls,and betides the Gofpel it argueth mortification of our Cher the puni. lulls more then the law ; in this Sermon of Chrifl , If a man (hment of loeketh but after a woman to laß after her, he hath committed a= Fenn eand the dultery with her in his bei rt , The Miniffer of the Gofpel kith f lots called fuch a power that where it comes it prevails over all rhefe ?tend fen fit therefore it is called the fait of the earth,wherefore fait is ufed tuna damn. in Way of Phyfick,in way of Medicine, zdfings z ch. a i, z a. verles,