Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

The Minifiry of the Gale! is to be prized. 6z3 verfes, And he went forth unto the fprings of the waters , and cat the Salt in there, and faid, thus faith the Lord,1 have heal - ed theft waters, there fhall'not be from thence any more dearth or barren land; fo the waters were healed unto this day, according to the faying of Elifha which he fpake. Salt it is a <great bleffing of nature , it is called the very balfome of na- ture. The ñrft ufe from hence, is, you fee what a great excellency the Miniflryof the Gofpel is, it is the Salt of the world, that is the very ballom of nature, therefore we fhould prize that without which all the world would be unfavory to God;do but go to filch ftreets where they do not come to the.preaching of the Gcf; e1, and what rotten putrifaelion is there 1 If the Gof- peldothnot convert their fouls, yet it will take away force grofs corruptions, it will civilize them , give me any place where there bath been a Miniflry of fait in it, you than f nd that among the gre itefl part of them that there is not fo much wickednefs amongft them , but thole that oppofe them they grow worfe againfl them. Oh prize the Gospel ; I remem- ber in the 6o. ch. of Ifáiah, the holy Ghofl fpeaks there of the Saints that fhould flock to the preaching of the Word , to the Minifiry they are called the Doves , the Doves fhould come, and in the 8.verfe,Whoare thefe that ftyeas a cloud, and ess the Doves to their windows ? The property of Doves is , they are mightily incited to a fait Bone , and ire in love with fait (ones much ; the fait Rome of the Gofpel is that that will intice, not birds of prey, as Rooks , Ravens , and the like but it vvill intice all of Dove-like fpirtts, they.find that the Gofpel doth them good, it is the Gofpel that makes all things Savory to them. Oh they can fay that before I heard the Col,- }ße1, my heart was unfavory , and I never had the favour of things fo : as fine the Gofpel bath' come unto nie , a foolish Speech that is tiled amongfl fore , that if the fait falls there is a fign of ill luck, but certainly if there be an overthrow of the Gofpel, that is a fignof ill indeed'; this is a great deal of evil to the Chriflian world, as in overthrowing the fait. All glen cannot bear theGofpel, they would have nothing but fu- ©ard