Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 4. £xbiortsition to receive the Minrftry of the Gofpel. gar'd things, though they rot by it ; is ir not better to be pre- terved with brine,then rotted with fugar. ? The Minifiers of the Gofpel mull apply fait , and fometime it inuft be rubbed into them, and fo force mens hearts get no good by the Word , their hearts are very unfavory , and they will not take the word into their hearts, the Minitfers of the Gofpel had need rub it in by application, thie preaching of the Word, if onely laid before the people it doth little good,but it muff be rubbed in by application. Secondly,itferves forexhortation,Is the Miniflry of the Gof 2. vfe of pel of this excellent ufe ? then take heed you do not refufè it; .Exhortation the preachingof the Gofpel when firft it comes into a place, if it be received in, it groweth to abundance of good in the foul , but if men let their lulls prevail in them it doth little good to them , the Lord fullers them toperifh eternally, this bath a power to reflore thole that flink, to reflore them but not ufually, look to it ye young ones, you are not yet fo cor- Tupted but the applying of the falt may heal your fouls, when :men are intemperate, drunkards that give liberty to them - felves in their fenfual lulls, to fulfill the wills of them , their hearts will not receive the fait of the Word : When poor men in the Country go to the Market , they will be lure to bring home fait for the benefit of their family, do you do fo ; the DaIrine is the fait, catry it home, you have a great deal of unfavory words in your family. When you come -to hoar the Word, carry home fume fal attd apply ir, the.husband tò the wife, the wife to the husband, the parents to the children, andlet the fervants and all fay one to another, are not thefe Do &rives preached this day againfl thefe evil ways that we walk in, furely it will be a meanstoreffrain you from your .wicked courfes ; fo if affoon as a fin is committed , if you would .. but apply the fait to your heart prefently, it would keep it froth ílaining, if God bath applyed it once, we muff apply it again and again,every day we mull apply it,or elfe we ffal have annfavo y hearts; & remember it that when Heil, comes to be fat- ted,if there be a hollow part of the flefh that begins to be cor- rupted more then the ref}, you wil rub morefalt there then in another