Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

--x- Exhortation to receive the Min ficry of the Gofpel. 62 another place, and you Ihoúld obferve what are your precious corruptions, and you fhould think,thus; I have fome.lulls, and force -fins that are more dangerous then others, there is Tuft that is like to overcome me ; I vvill apply the Word there, I will get force Scripture that than ipeak moil again(l that fin , and I will be fure to lay that to my heart, as to tnílance, fup pofe force. have inordinate affection to tatisae the lull of the flesh, bereis a place in your heart that is like to putrifie, ap- ply Tome fall to it , I will give you iòme few grains of fait to apply to that place that is like to be corrupted, 166 31.I, 2: yerfes , I made a Covenant with mine eyes, why then fhoteld I hink,upon a maid?For what portion of God is there from above ? and what inheritance of the Almighty from on high ? As if he Ihould fay, Lord, if I (hould not make a Covenant with mine eyes, -if I thould let mine eyes wander up and down for fads - fying of my fleth, I should have no portion in the Almighty, at any time when I give way to tine eyes to fatisfie the lull of the flefh, I will venture to apply fait to that however : And for that fin of uncleannefs I will give you another Scripture to apply, Prov. 2 i. ch. 14.. verfe. The mouth of a flrange woman is a deep pit, he that is abhorred of the Lord, (hall fall therein. That man that is abhorred of God (hall fall- into.thedeep pit,I might have given you many Scriptures in the New Teflamenr for it, 2 Pet .z. ch. g. verf. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to referve the unluft unto t/oe day of judgement to be puni flied; But chiefly them that walkafter the fiefs in the luft of uncleannefc. Thofe that walk after the lufl of uncleannefs,,rub this fait on your hearts and it will be a means to take away- úncleanpefs in that place. To thole that give themfelvef liberty to fatisfie the tuft of the flefh, R.man. .8, ch. r 3 .verf. For if ye live after the flefh ye (hall d v , but if ye thorough the fpirit do mortifie the deeds of the body , ye (hall live. That is, if there be any man or woman, he or hie that give themfelves liberty to fatisfie the lulls of the fled, , and make that to be the chief contentment to fatisfie the that man o» woman (hall peritla forever, they (hall, dye, . there Scriptures have great matter in them to get out the co cup= pions of mens hearts, you that will attend on the Miniflty Lill of