Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

6 z6 Exhortation ta receive the Minifiry ofthe Gofpel, of the Gofpel you will find at one time orother , but that the Word will find out your particular fins , and then go home and rt:b it with fait, labor to kill and mortifie your fins, the Mìnifters of God cannot fo well do it as you, remember this Chrift fpeaks hear by fimilitudes , becaufe he would have ¡ to be remembred by you, you .have oceafion when you have fait on your Tables, and when you go to fait your meat, if I did not faitmy meat it would be putrifled and unLivory , and fo is my heart, what ever God lets me have in the world, .I cannot relïfh it or favor it without the Got-pa , and without fait I cannot offer any facrifice favory to-God ; the Doarine of the Millinery of the Word is as fait to the benefit of Nature. _. SERMON