vnfavory Miniflers unufefull and vnprofitable, at that, and make ufe of it thus ; I fee it is a dreadfull thing for a man to fin againft light; were I in fuch an auditory that were full of young Minillers, who are full of quickening vi- gour for the prefent, I would have thefe things to be caveats for them, that thofe that know them favorynow, may know them savory at the laft, their naturall parts may decay, yet you may fee alight, and quicknefle of fpirit, and love for God to all that come to them, fuch favory and wholfome counfells to them from what experience they have had, bleffed are thefe, . but it is moft miferable for fuch as have been forward when they were young Minifters , to grow unfavory , and not to be recovered. -- Henceforth good for nothing. What fhould we doe with them, if they be good for nothing? if you -fend them to Congregations where there are good people, it will but dead the hearts of that people, it will grieve their hearts,if you fend them to fuch Congregations where the peo- ple are naught,it will make them worfe, and bef ides, ordinari- ly thereis a curfe of God on their parts and gifts,and they will hardly be trufted, becaufe of their unfaithfulnefle to God. I remember a Papiffin his Comment on the .2 Chap. of Ma -1 Papin in his lathy, 3 verfe, faith, they are good for nothing, they fhall Comment on be call out and troden under-foote. Behold, I will corrupt? Mdacky 3. your feed, and fpread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your folemne feat s, and one (hall take you away, with it. What (hall become of them ? to beg they are afhamed, and to dig they cannot. What -hall become of them that are unfavory ? it may be Tome would pitty them, but it is the juft judgement of God, that they -hall be troden under = foote;yea fuch Mini- tiers, it may be,that people have flocked to them heretofore, now there is no ufe for them in the Church, and thofe that are . the moll underfianding, they do reje& them,they are cart out of their hearts ; there may be a great deale of evil) in mens hearts in withdrawing themfelves from them that doe preach favdry truths, that is a rarity in them ; but now I fpeak inge- nerall, that all Saints generally do caft them out,& not efteem them, yet they may preach good things, and if they do preach good things, yet they will but little regard them, fo they are, of