614 Vnfavory Minifters unufefull and unprofitable. of no ufe at all , they shall be calf out, the Lord would have men to caft them out, and tread them under - foote, to defpife them ; there is no people in the world that are more juflly under contempt then Minitters, whole Miniftery hath turned from favorinefs to unfavorinefs, and that from God himfelfe through the juft judgement of God on them. I will give you fome Scripture for it, becaufe it is feafonable at this time. z Samuel, z Chap. 3o verle. Wherefore the Lord od o f Ifrael faith, I Paid indeed, that thy haute and the houfe of thy father fhould wake before me for ever : But now the Lord faith, Be it farre from me ; for them that honour me, l will honour, and they that defpifi me (hall be lightly efteemed. They regarded them - felves in their Office, more then Gods Honour ; no men in the world are fer more on their honour then Minillers are that have corrupt hearts ; faith God, they will fer up themfelves a- bove me, they will fer up their own trafh and invention above that favory word of mine, they fhall be lightly efteemed,they shall be trod under- foote,rhey fhall be caft our. So in the lat- ter part of the 2 Chap. the 36 verfe. And it fhall come to pat%, that every one that is left in thine borate fkall come and crouch to him for a peice offlver, and a morfell of bread , and fhall fay, Put me, I pray thee, into one of thePriefls Offices,, that I may care a peice of bread. There is the threat of God on the Priefis,that they (ball come and crouch for a xiorfel of bread, . come and crouch to others, that afore they did acorn and contemne, this is the curfe of God on them. And in the other Text it is in theProphele of Jeremiah, 23 Chap. laft verle. eAnd I will bring an everlafíing reproach upon you, and a perpe- tuall fhame, which than not be forgotten. I will bring an everla- fling reproach, coxtempt,and fhame on them, That which is molt remarkable of treading under foote , and calling out in the Prophefie of Ezek el, 44 Chap. 1o, it, 12, CJ' 13 verfes. ,and the Levites that ara on away farre from me, when Ifrael went aß ray, which went afrayaway from me after their ldolls, they fhall even heave their rniquitie; yet they fhall be A!liniflers in my San$uary , having charge at the gates of the houfe, and Min;iring to the houfe: They fhall flay the burnt offering, and Ike faerr five for the people, and they than "land before them to Min;"ler