Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

------- y Miniflers unuféfull and unprofitable. Minifter unto them.Becaufethey mini!red unto them before their Idols, and caufed the houfe of l frael to fall into iniquitie ; There- fore have I lift up mine hand agatnf thence, faith the Lord God, ,tad they fhall Beare their inrquttie. And they /hall mot come neere unto me, to doe the office of a Pries unto me, nor to come neere to any of myholy things in the moil- holy place. Bat they fall beare their !home, and their abominations which they have committed. They (hall have Tome low place, but he faith, they (hall never cot ,e into their places againe, that is,there was a time of try - all of men, the generality of men went Luch wayes ; fore for fuperftitious Yin y °s , they fet themfelves againfl the Saints, and the wayes of ;odlinefs, and truths of God ; and the Le-. vites they would goe that way they faw which way the fireame went, and they went that way too for honour. and preferment. And let them get their bread how they can, they 'hall never come to their places againe, because they departed from me, they fhould have taught the people, they fhould have retitled them, andflood for my caufe. Here is the judgement of God can,hem. And in the 4 Chap. ofthe Prophetic of ¡Toisa, and the 6 verfe. My reople are deftroyed for lackof knowledge : be- caufe thou haft re etted knowoledge,I will alp releet thee, that chess (halt be no Prieft to me, feeing thou haft forgotten the Law of thy God, I will alfo forget thy Children. 7rimelaus noteth on this Scripture, that there is one letter more then ufuall, in that word, I will reject then ; and it is onely faith he , to thew the flrength that God peakes with. As if he fhould fay, it is not an ordinary rejection, but a flrong rejection. Another re- markable place In the e Chap. of I<Màlachy, 7 & S verf s. For the Prtefts lips fhould keep knowledge, and they fhould feek,jhe Law at his mouth, for he is the Meffenger of the Lord of hefts. But ye are departed out of the way,ye have saufed many to Rumble at the lazy; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi f i and Lord of hots. Therefore have i al fo made you contemptible ff before all the people, according its ye h ve not keptwsy wayes, but have been partial in the Law. You t ok. upon yu to be the Priefls of God, and the Law fhould b in your a outhes, and 1nowledge fhould be preferved in your lips ; but you have Mmmm2 635