Savory Mini flea are honoured by God. preach the favory truths of the Gofpel, your hearts are !Mit- ten , but if aman comes and teacheth talfe truths, you will beare with him ; is not this Scrip:ure fullfilled amongft many at this day ?. they would be content to beare any thing from thofe that were unfavory, they could beare their Miniltery a- thongfl them, but for the faithful! Minifters of God, every' word that- proceedeth from them orfendeth them ; this is an argument of unfavory fpirics. Laftly, Had ï to`fpeake to fuch as are-yot'ìng Minillers, I< fhould give a rule of dire &ion to them, to take a wife courre to keep up their honour, there is no fuchway to keep up their honour in that way that God hath fet them in, as in a favorines in his Miniaery, and in his life ; Let wicked men in Taverns fcorne at you, and fay what they will of you, yet on their lick b ds they will be forced in their confcience to fay otherwife of you : Let not Minifters fret and vex when they lofe repute,, kt them confider whether they have not loft force of their fa- your, and labour to be favoury, and then they need nòt Rand for honour , for God will honour them. Certainly (peaks of this very excellently ; A man cannot be trod upon except he be inferi&tr, except he be under another ;'he is not under that Both fuffer in his body , if fo be that his heart be: fixed in heaven, he is not under any man : this is to be thus applyed, that is, leta man come and hafely fubmit hinfelfe -to- the lull of any man, but lét a man in his doetrine keep above the contentment of the íuí1 of the Lill, and let his doc`lrine be Evangelical!, his life heavenly and holy, he cannot berro-- den upon, his name will be above them all, above all that can: be cat/ upon him; how savory is the very memory of thofe that have been precious in former times, nay lately, ved above the content of men; therefore they could .not be troden upon, God hath preferved their names from genera- tion to generation; therefore let Minifters and let Chrifti ans labour to keep their favour, if they would not be troden tinder-foote of men. SE B. MO N 637-