Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

43.8 itaSattahle ai tnQesfiietAa4tsfr+iPx%t,Ep3niaxúeidadcdt)taYx,@a3c souitivicTiviorTviovr-likritvior vniqmipit+vivit iit- a(42,41 SERMON XL, OR To be the light of the world is a great honger, M A T H. 5. 14, re are the light of the world. A City that is fet on a hill cannot be hid. He fait of the earth, and the light of the world, is a great honour that God puts on his Miniffers eminently, and on his Saints in their degree. Chilli having told his Difciples what fufpering they were like to meete with, for their encouragement he tells them what fervice the Lord will im- ploy them in how ever ; As if he thould fay, Men may revile, perfecute, and fpeak all manner of evil on you,yet goe on your wayes, be not difcouraged, re are the fait of the earth , ye are the light of the world. Thofe who are quallihed according to what went before, they indeed onely are fit to have fuch ho- nour put upon them, as the poore in fpirit, the mourners, the meek, the hungerers and thirí}ers after righteoufneßè, the merciful!, the pure in heart, the peace-makers,and they which are