Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

719e excellent things that are called by the awns of light. 639 are perfecüted ; thefe are the men that are the fait of the earth, and the )light of the world. In the i 3 verfe, which we Taft finilhed, there we opened how the Mint +ers of the Go- fpel are the fait of the Earth, and thofe who are in their Mini - fiery like fait, had need be in their Minillery like light; the more provoking a Miniaer fpeaks to a people, the more con - vincing he had need (peak ; if he be falt,he had need be light. re are the light of the world;tt is as high an excellency this with the other almoU as could be faid of creatures, for a fewpoore fifliermen to be the fait of the Earth, to keep it from putrify- in,, and to be the light of the world : What honour could be faid of men more then here is ? Lrstherfpeakes of this place, It L ,,her on is an excellent imployment,an honour greater then all honour, s mat. 14. to be the fah of the Earth, and the light of the World light it is an excellent creature, we know but little of it, and herein is difcovered mans ignorance, what a poore creature man is, he bath little caufe tobe proud;there are two things that are moll neceffary, that we fcarce know what to fay of them, light and life, they are two things that have much of God in them, by fome effeas and fruits,we can fee fome workings of them, but what they are we know not, we find that the moll excellent things are called by the name of light, God himfelfe is light, faith the Scripture, and the uttermoil of Gods glory is light, and Chril} he is light,he is called light,the light of the world, the Angelis they are light, the word that is called light, grace in Scripture is called light, the Saints they are called light, comfort that is light, Gods favour the light of his counte- nance, profperity is called light,deliverance from evill is cal- led light, and heaven it felfe. But here this light that is here fpoken of, Ye are thelight of the world, it is in reference to the Gofpel, and the Miniaery of it, and ,:hen in their kind and de- gree, even the Saints they are the light of the world, but the the Gofpel, and the Minifters of it, ye are the light of the world ; As if he íhould fay, Ye are now going into the world, and there to be difpenfers of the 'glorious Gofpel, and this Golpel that you are going t o ca ry to the world,it is that light to the w ©rld, ye are thofe Luminaries that are in heaven gnat fatter.