Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

64o The world is in darloefs before the Gofpel comes. Obferv. i. fcatter up and downe light on the Earth ; fo that firl} there is implyed, That all the world is darkZneffe till the Gofpel comesamongfi 'them, allKingdomes, Countries, Townes, Familyes, Per - fins, Souks, all in darkZnef e till the Gofpel comes. Firft ., The world is in darkne.ffe, the Scripture fets out mans naturali eftate by darknef e it felfe, before the Gofpel comes to any place in the Minifiery of it they know not God, i Corinth. r Chap. 2 r verfe. For after that in the wifdome of God, the world by wifdome knew not God, it ?leafed God by the fools fhnefs of preaching to fave them that believe. Men of the greatel parts and abilities, they know not God, learned men are in darkneflè till the Gofpel comes, ô the pore, the low, the bate, meane thoughts that men have of God naturally., what firange conceits have they of the infinite ülorious firf} being of all beings; the foolish hearts of men are carkned,they know not the way of light, the rule of light, they know not the way of the right worship of God before the Gofpel comes, they know not now to worihtp God aright, but worship God after their own imaginations and inventions, in vaine do they worship, they know not the end of mans life, what is the end that God made man for, that happinef e and glory that mans nature is capable of, this is not knowne but when the Gofpel comes, they underfiand not what mans eflate is naturally, know little of finne, of originall,corruption,of any breach that is betweenGod and us , they know not what the way is that God bath appointed for reconciling the world to himfelfe ; this is a hidden myftery, that thePrinces of the world have never knowne, but by the light of the Gofpel, they know no- thing of that great work of Mediation, they know nothing of the Covenant of grace, that fecond Covenant that God bath. made with mankind , they know nothing of the excellency of grace. Thus mannaturally is in darkneife till the Gofpel .comes, hence he cloth hold little or nothing of God, he lets the great and glorious things of God paffe from him wirhautt holding of them, he goeth he,knoweth not whither. i y4n 2 Chap,