Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

Wicked men ruled by the fpirit of daikrr'efs. .64:1 a Chap. 11 verfe. Mar he that hateth -his brother, is 'in dank nets, and walketh in darknefs, and.knoweth not whither- hegoeth, becanfe that darknefs hath.blinded his eyes. He walker in the wayes of darknefs, and his workes are the workes of darknefs, and he humbles at every thing , he' t himbles at the wayes of God, every fcandall that falls it makes him dislike the wayes of God, and. every reproach that is.caii out, it makes him to judge evill of Gods wayes. Mamnaturally is in a difinall con- dition, he may think he hath comfort, but certainly he hath none, he,may think he hath light,'but he is farre from it he hath no more then a child that is -in the bottom of a Dungeon, and was -borne there, fo is wicked.min in a natural( efiate, he may think that he fees fpirirually., but his eyes are carnali ; and againe their wayes are dangerous, they doe not know what mall become of them the next.t}ep they goe, but that they may fall into perdition. Further, they are ruled 'by :the fpirit of darkneife,by reafon of the darkneffe that there is in their own fpirits ; hence the fpirit ofdarkneife and their fpirits -come tafuir one with ano- ther more,whether the Deviliwould fo..much as tempt any o- ther way,.but by propounding of outward obje&s,, were it not for the tinfulneile of our hearts , were very Quefiion able .; when he came to tempt Adam When he was in innocency, we- only reade he came by Serpents, and filch like fuggefiions when he came to tempt our Saviour Chriíi, he came nor t0 tempt him fpiritualiy , but outwardlytaking him up to the top of: themountaine,.and .fuck like temptations, therefore where there is no fin, the Devill, that is,the fpirit of darknefs cannot_fute hiniielfe to the fpirit, but onely outward things can prefenc that which is evill, but cho`fe that are in darknefs and have their fpirits full of darknefs, they can be futed to the Prince of darknefs, that he doth not only propound outward obje&s to wicked men, but he doth as it Were mingle with their fpirits, and this is the mifery that naturali men ae in. Lafily, All the world are fo in darknefs that .if they be left to themfelves they will have their portion in everlafiing dark- nefs ; it may be many may think that they are not in darknefs N r.. n n but