drift the eminent light, ye a re the light. Firfl,Chrifl he is the light emînently,as that .light that w smade at fìrf was fcatteréd up & down,at tali was brought-into the body of the Sun , and whereby man corne to be lightned it is all in ChriR, and fo Chrill he fcattereth up and down in the world by the Miniftery of the Gofpel, job.' .8,9, Ele was not that light, but was ,Pent to bear witnefs of that light. That was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Every man that comes into the world that harl any light he hath it fromChrifl, that is the true light, it is faid- of john that be was not that light,but was Pent to bar wtrnefs of that light, and that is the work of the MiniRry to bear wit - nefs of that light, but Chrifi is that true light , Joh.8. r 2. Then fpake Jef as again unto them, faying, I am the light of the world, be that followeth me fhall not walk in darknefi, but (hall have the light of life. I am the light of the world, ChriR is the light, C hrifi is the Gofpel, the Gofpel is nothing but the docarine of Chrili, the good tidings that come into the. world about Je-- fus Chrifl, that is the Gofpel now that is the light of the world that gives light unto the world, it gives light. FirR light you know it is a mofhlovely thing, Ecclef r r.-7. Tritely the light is (meet , and a pleafant thing is it for the eyes to behold the Sun. There is no objeet fo amiable to l we, fo delightful as the be- holding of that glory of God that Chines in the Gofpel, there are fweet things to behold there., it is a pleafant _thing,for the eyes to behold that light , a poor tanner that bath lived in darknefs all his days before, when he comes to have his eyes opened to fee the light of the Gofpel , 'he Rands admiring and wondering,and is amazed at the things that he feeth , the converfion of a fanner is like bringing a poor man out of a dun- geon that was born there,which loth come fuddainly and Teeth the glorious creatures, he feeth the earth , the Stars, and men he cannot bitt Rand amazed at it, juR fo is the converfion of a firmer, examine whether you have found the light to be amiable and lovely that your hearts have been filled with wonder with feeing thofe things that you did never fee afore, the light as it is pleafant to behold; fo the nature of it is to difcover things, that that makes manifeR is - light, Eph. S . r 31 Bat all things tliat Noun a are 64;