644 what the gofpel makes manifeft. are reproved are made mamfeft by the :fight, for whatfoever cloth make mani f èf is light : That Gofpel that you bring into the world is that that discovers great things to the world ; what doth it make manifefi ?, it makes God himfelf manifefl , men that lived without a God in the world before ,_ men that had vain and unworthy thoughts of God ; now by the preaching of the Gofpel they come to fee God as a God , they behold God in the face off Jefus Chriil, then the light of the glory of God appears indeed unto them , fo the Apofìle in the fecond to theCorinth,ans fpeáking of the light that shines unto the heart of thofe that God Goth work upon. In a Cor. 4. 6, 7. For God who commanded the light to thine out of dark efs hash Jhiaed in our hearts, to give the. light of the knowledge of theglo- ry of God, in the face of 3cfsss Chrift. But we have this crea- ture in earthen veffels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not,by us ; there may be fóme glimmering fight of God from the beholding the works of creation and providence , but the_ foul dock never fee the light of the knowledge of the glory of God till he teeth it in the face of Chrifl, ye have the glory of God, the knowledge of the glo- ry of God, and the light of the knowledge of the glory ofGod in the face of Jefus Chrifl, the Gofpel difcovers God to the foul; thofe that come to underhand the Gofpel aright they can lay they could never underhand the Gofpelafore.Again it dif covers mens ehates, they never knew the breach that was be- tween God and their fouls till now, this-is made manifeh now to their fouls , the foulnefs of fin can never be known by all the preaching of 'the law, fo as it is known by the preaching of the Gofpel, when they come to fee what the fruit of fin was then the happinefs of mans nature, the Gofpel makes that ma- 'Mat too, who could ever have thought that the nature of man that had been capable of union with the fecond Perlon, with the Son of God, before the. Gofpel comes it doth noth- thing but to fatisfie the flelh7 but when it comes to' hear that mans nature is come to be joyned with the fecond Perlon in the Trinity, furely God bath high things in it, it is the Gofpel that brings to life and immortality , faith the Apo(lle, a T m. I.','.